2024 How Long Does a Divorce Take in Florida?

Fairway Law Group

Once the difficult decision to divorce has been made, finalizing a divorce is often in the interests of both parties. Anyone going through the process is likely asking themselves, “How long does a divorce take in Florida?” Like other states, Florida has a mandatory waiting period for divorce in addition to all the different subjects that must be addressed. One way you can reduce the time it takes to get divorced is by working with an experienced family lawyer in Florida.

Initiating a Divorce in Florida

If you are planning to file for divorce, you will first need to make sure that you are eligible for divorce in Florida. There are multiple requirements that you’ll need to meet, such as the state’s residency requirement. This requirement states that you or your spouse must have been a resident of the state for at least six months before you filed for divorce. If you or your spouse have not been living in Florida for six months, you will have to wait to file and fulfill this requirement.

Unlike some states, Florida does not have a requirement that you and your spouse be separated before divorce. All that is needed to file for divorce is one party’s willingness to file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the help of a family law attorney. Once the petition has been filed and the other spouse has been served, you will have to wait at least 20 days before the divorce can be finalized. There are no exceptions to the waiting period.

How Long Does a Florida Divorce Take?

Every divorce takes a different amount of time to complete. If you and your spouse are able to work out the division of assets and other important matters before either of you file for divorce, you may be eligible for what is known as simplified dissolution of marriage. This is the quickest type of divorce in Florida. Not everyone is eligible for this type of divorce, so consult with your lawyer first to see if this is an option for you.

Whether you are preparing to file for a simple divorce or an uncontested divorce, you can reduce the time it takes to finalize the divorce by working with a skilled family lawyer before filing. Your lawyer can tell you which documents you need to gather, help you file them, assist in the discovery process, and more.

The following factors will impact how long it takes to finalize your divorce:

  • How quickly your spouse responds to the divorce petition.
  • How many marital assets are involved.
  • If children are involved.
  • If the divorce is amicable
  • If the divorce must go through litigation

How to Finalize Your Divorce Quickly in Florida

Florida laws allow for a divorce to be finalized 20 days after the filing of the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. This can be a challenging but not impossible goal to meet. Even if your divorce isn’t finalized after 20 days, taking certain steps can help you cut your divorce timeline down considerably.

For example, it’s always a smart idea to start gathering important documents and information as soon as you file for divorce. This is because you are going to need evidence discussing your income, your estate, your assets, your children, and more. By preparing yourself beforehand and gathering this essential information, you can help to keep your divorce moving quickly. If you are able to get your spouse to do this as well, it can help considerably.


Q: How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce in Florida If Both Parties Agree?

A: Theoretically, it could take as few as 20 days to get a divorce in Florida if both parties agree. However, it is rare for the courts to move this quickly. Any situation where both parties are willing to work together ultimately makes the divorce process easier and more efficient. If you are looking to get a divorce as soon as possible, you can begin by hiring an attorney who can help you through the simple divorce process in Florida.

Q: How Long Do You Have to Be Legally Separated in Florida to Get a Divorce?

A: Unlike other states, you do not have to be separated before you can file for divorce. Florida is a no-fault state, meaning neither party has to prove that the divorce was the other party’s fault. It only takes one party to initiate a divorce. If the other party does not participate in the court process, they may ultimately face an unfavorable default judgment.

Q: How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Florida?

A: The cost of every divorce varies considerably. For example, a contentious divorce that takes a year to finalize will likely be much more expensive than a simple divorce that requires no litigation. The length of your divorce, the amount of assets you have, the number of disputes that occur, and the services your lawyer provides can all impact how much you spend in a divorce.

Q: How Long Does the Average Divorce Take in Florida?

A: The length of time that it takes to divorce in Florida varies from case to case. There is no simple means of predicting how long your divorce will take. Some divorces can be finalized within a few weeks of filing, while others can take several months or well over a year. The quality of your legal representation will be a significant factor in how long it ultimately takes to divorce your spouse.

Schedule Your Florida Divorce Consultation Today

By preparing ahead of time and taking a strategic approach toward your case, you can settle your divorce and begin focusing on the next chapter of your life. Additionally, when you work with the right legal representation, you can reduce the chances that your divorce will be delayed or drawn out.

At Fairway Law Group, our team of attorneys has spent years helping clients resolve the most complex of divorces. To schedule a consultation with one of our trusted lawyers, please contact our office today.

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