Florida Child Custody Lawyer

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Fairway Law Group

Florida Child Custody & Visitation Attorney

Florida law favors joint custody but that doesn’t mean equal time-sharing. When determining which parent gets more time with the children, Courts look to minimize the disruption to the child. Even though a time-sharing plan is in place, major changes, such as relocating to a new city, can trigger modification.

A significant aspect of any divorce involving minor children is the time-sharing arrangement. In Florida, the courts prioritize the best interests of the child when making these decisions. Here’s a simplified view of how these arrangements typically operate:

Joint Custody is the Norm

In most cases, Florida courts prefer to award shared parental responsibility, which means both parents have equal rights and responsibilities, including decision-making regarding the child’s welfare.

Time-Sharing Schedule

The actual time spent with each parent is set in a time-sharing schedule. This outlines when the child will be with each parent on daily, weekly, and annual bases, including holidays and school breaks. One 2-3-2 schedule is a great way for each parent to have equal time with the child. This means you have the children for 2 days, then 3 days off, then 2 days on, followed by 2 days off and 3 days on. This results in equal time sharing between the parents.

Factors Considered

When creating this schedule, courts consider many factors such as the child’s age, school location, parents’ work schedules, the child’s relationship with each parent, and more. The goal is to minimize disruption to the child’s routine.


While the court provides an initial schedule, parents are encouraged to adjust this plan together as necessary, as long as it continues to serve the child’s best interests.

Changes to the Plan

Major changes to the plan (like moving to a new city) generally require court approval. This ensures that changes are made in the child’s best interests.

Please remember child custody and time-sharing issues are some of the most complex issues dealt with during a divorce, and the information provided here is an simplified overview of the process. Once you retain Fairway Law Group, we can provide more accurate guidance during the divorce process.

If you have further questions or would like to discuss your case, please contact us.


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