What Does a Divorce Cost in Florida?

Fairway Law Group

If you don’t have any real estate or minor kids and you and your spouse agree on everything, a divorce could cost as little as the $409.00 filing fee. That price assumes you do everything yourself. The official Florida family law forms are available online on the Florida Supreme Court’s website. Just like replacing the roof on your house yourself, if you’re dedicated to learning how to do it and you’re not afraid to do the work, you can save money by doing it yourself. However, a divorce in Florida is a real lawsuit and divorce cases are handled by the same court that handles felony murder trials and high dollar civil cases.

Divorce can be a complex and overwhelming process. The associated expenses can build up and many couples face a litany of legal fees, costs of child support, and the possibility of paying alimony. At its core, divorce can be an expensive affair. If you find yourself in this situation, you may wonder what is the final divorce cost in Florida. The truth boils down to this: Every divorce is unique, and so are the costs associated with each case.

When it comes to divorce, there is no such thing as an “average” cost. Every case brings a different set of factors and nuances that will impact the financial implications involved. Because there are so many factors involved, assigning a perfect estimate of cost is challenging. At Fairway Law Group, we understand this and want to equip our clients with the knowledge of how much a divorce might cost before you even go to file.

Divorce and the Financial Implications

When seeking a divorce in the state there are several aspects of a financial nature that are helpful to consider when trying to calculate the costs involved in your unique case. These aspects might include:

  • Debts shared between the divorcing parties.
  • Division of your shared property.
  • If you share children or other dependents.
  • The costs involved in filing for divorce with the courts.
  • Alimony if you or your spouse plan on requesting it.
  • The costs of legal counsel and representation.
  • Any other court costs that may be involved, like a legal restoration of a maiden name, etc.

In the state, there are three separate kinds of divorce a couple may seek, each coming with its own financial implications. A simplified dissolution of marriage is often the most cost-effective but can only be sought by couples who meet certain requirements. These requirements include the fact that you and your spouse have worked out all the arrangements regarding property and debt division and share no minor children nor are currently expecting.

The costs can go up when couples must undergo either a contested or uncontested divorce. These scenarios often see the couple being able to agree on things but having more complicated matters at hand, like minor children and spousal support in the case of uncontested divorces. Contested divorces are usually the most expensive and lengthy as the couple is unable to agree on the terms of their divorce, and the courts must become involved.

How to Manage Divorce Costs in Florida

Deciding to undergo a divorce is a scary and overwhelming thought, just as it stands. Add in the costs involved, and many couples find themselves uncertain of what to do or where to turn. Thankfully, there are several strategies that can be employed to mitigate these costs. During a divorce, you have the ability to financially plan or budget. You can go about this by:

  • Seeking the counsel of divorce lawyers and financial professionals who understand the costs of divorce before you even begin the process and who can help you create a budget in order to afford them.
  • Retaining the support of an experienced lawyer who can guide you through making important decisions of a financial nature throughout the entire process.
  • Researching and exploring any options to lower your legal fees through processes like mediation.
  • Engaging with trusted legal accountants who can help you consider and understand the long-term financial implications involved in your divorce and what to do about them.

If you are hoping to expedite this process, you should prepare all necessary documentation before you even go in to speak with a lawyer. You can do this by:

  • Keeping track of your income and expenses.
  • Separating your and your spouse’s finances as soon as possible.
  • Making an inventory of the assets owned jointly in the marriage and those owned separately by you and your spouse.
  • Gathering financial documentation like bank statements and annual income proof ahead of time.

FAQs About Divorce Cost in Florida

What Are the Requirements for Getting a Divorce?

In Florida, the main requirement for obtaining a divorce is that one of the divorcing parties must be a resident of the state of Florida for at least six months preceding the filing. You do not need to prove blame or fault for the divorce; simply show that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”

What Is the Cheapest Way to Get a Divorce?

A basic divorce, or a simplified dissolution of marriage, is the most cost-effective way to go about obtaining a legal divorce. In order to go about this process, however, a couple must agree on all terms of their divorce, including how they will go about dividing up property and debts, and they cannot share any minor children or be currently expecting a child.

How Long Does a Divorce Take?

There is no simple answer to how long your divorce case might last. The length of time it will take for your divorce to be finalized following the date you file is dependent on several factors involved in your case. Some divorces can be finalized quickly, within a matter of a few weeks. Others could take months or well over a year, depending on the complexity and the effectiveness of your legal representation.

What Is a Wife Entitled to in a Divorce?

When it comes to property division in the state, the laws of equitable distribution are typically followed. In general terms, this means that all property obtained throughout the duration of the marriage is to be divided equally between the divorcing parties. This property can include anything from the family home to vehicles to debt and investments.

Contact a Trusted Divorce Lawyer Today

Before you even consider filing for divorce in Florida, it is important to seek the counsel of a compassionate and competent divorce lawyer who can help you understand the process more clearly and the costs associated with it. You deserve someone with the experience to guide you through every step of your divorce case and someone who will do everything they can to support you and fight for your rights and voice to be heard.

Contact the offices of Fairway Law Group today to see if our services are the right fit for you. We can review your unique circumstances and find creative ways to mitigate the costs that may be involved. We will do whatever possible to help you understand the expenses that can come into play with your case and what to expect when seeking a divorce in Florida.

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